Well, have not journaled in awhile – this year, had two enrichments (How to Bee, and Soup and Service) two book clubs, two joy schools at our house, two joy school field trips, birthday parties, baby shower, Doug has been to Canada twice (is there right now) he went camping with the boy scouts, then we went camping as a family, we just got back from camping with Nammy.
Thursday March 12th 2009 Joy school field trip to the woodlands children’s museum. They have moved it sense the last time we were here – now it is in the mall. It was a rainy rainy day, we had to walk through the rain pouring down on our way out. Heather still in school, sad to go without her. They had a grocery store, school house, trains, medical center, dinosaur dig, and a reptile show with live reptiles. The kids had lots of fun. I got the kids to bed early, then that night, back up again, to pick up Nammy at the airport for the late night flight. She made it in even though it is spring break and the airports are crowded!
Friday March 13th
1st day with Nammy – had to take Heather to school, a rainy day, so we drove. We went to the Woodlands mall again, this time we went to their science museum. They had alittle maze that Autumn went under the walls on, I had to bend down and could just see her bare feet running around in the maze. They had the Alazka Imax showing in a little room, we got through a little bit of it with the help of some snacks. There was a cave with glow in the dark rocks, and a big dinosaur dig at the end that James really really got into. They had a big stegosarus skeleton, James quickly made some friends, put on goggles, passed out brushes etc. to everyone, and they went to work. It was serious business. Nammy go them toys out of the shop – a transformer dinosaur, geodes for Heather, and little dinosaur set for Autumn. Let the kids play in the mall play place, got cookies and brownies. We went by the animal pet store to look at all the cute puppies / kittens, ate at the food court, and let them ride the merry go round. On the way back through the mall, went past the little hermit crab stand, and Nammy got them each a little critter. The stripe one is D.D. – named “Dinosaur Dinner” and the green one Heather named “Patters” after the patterns on it’s back. The kids have been swinging them around, sand flying – they only got dumped out once. Mom watched the kids at night so that I could go to a baby shower which was nice.
Saturday March 14th 2009
This day Heather can come with us! We spent the whole day at the rodeo – the first half of the day at the kids adventure zone, with a petting zoo – they spent a lot of time here, Autumn trying to feed the animals anything and everything, hugging them tight around the neck, etc. They had rabbits, little chicks, baby cows and pigs. We watch the sheep dog tryouts. Then we went to the lamas, and horse show, (rainy day, did not bring a wagon for the kids, should have) then ended the day at the rodeo in the arena with barel racing, cow roping, bronco riding, bull riding, wagon races, and it ended with a concert. Nammy got them cotton candy, we had nachos too. Then walked and walked back to the van – poor little James said he thought his legs were going to fall off.
Sunday March 15th 2009
Day of rest! We all went to church together, and then had a big long nap. I think everyone needed the rest after the last few days of excitement. Took picts of the kids out front in Easter cloths.
Monday March 16th 2009
Spent morning getting ready for camping, oil change for the car, then shopping while mom watched the kids at home. Then pack up the car, and got to Lake Livingston around 3:00. Went back and forth, finally got a good camping spot, and set up. We rented their little yellow bike/car and rode around. We got the fire started (with the help of a bunch of lighter fluid Nammy ran to the store to get) and cooked hotdogs and corn on the cob for dinner. Then we made smoores, read stories, let the kids play in all the rain puddles – we were lucky, it had been rainy all weekend, but cleared up today for our camping trip. The puddles made for lots of frogs, we heard them, but I never saw any. We climbed up their tower, it was a beautiful sunset.
Tuesday March 17th 2009
Woke up early, read a little scriptures, fixed some outmeal, got everyone dressed ext, then off to ride horses. Heather got to ride all by herself on her own horse – lightning (Heather called her thunder). James and Nammy rode together on “peppy” and Autumn and I rode together on “Red”. Our guide was a character, Nammy was in the front, he sat sidesaddle, and talked the whole way there about how he had been in 3 car wrecks or he would be riding the bulls (like the stock show) how “Peppy” had bit him, and he bit peppy back, and how Ike did $20,000 damage to his house etc. etc. James saw him sitting on the horse sideways so he had to try it too, and Nammy had to try and get him to sit right again. Little Autumn and I had a tug of war over the reigns, I elt her have the reigns for awhile, but was afraid she would confuse the horse by shaking them up and down and pulling on the etc. She did pretty well though. At the end the gentle swaying of the horse put her right to sleep. Heather was smiling and smiling the whole time, talking to her horse. They fed us breakfast #2 – eggs / sausage / hasbrowns etc. then we went to pack up, and for a little walk around the duck pond. We had lunch at their little park, then rented the paddle boat. Little Autumn and James wanted to touch the water, so most of the trip Nammy held on to their lifejackets while they dangled over the edge of the boat. Heather and I were in the front paddling. We went all around the whole little cove of the state park. By the teim we got back the sun was finally up, the fog lifted, and Nammy got us all ice-cream. Heather chose this really big drumstick thing, and ate it all. Autumn and I switched half way through – ice cream and fruit bar. We let Chaco run around one more time, then headed back for home – everyone covered in mud and ice cream and very tired. Took some pictures of a field of flowers on the way back. Got home, Nammy gave them all baths while I unloaded all the camping stuff. We went to “Black-Eyed Pea” (kids eat free on Tuesdays) for dinner, came home, watched “The Incredibles” and copied the picts onto a CD for Nammy. It has been a fun visit for all of us! Nammy leaves for the airport tomorrow morning, and Doug gets back in from Canada at noon.