Thursday, July 29, 2010

Museum July 2010

July 29, 2010
We went on a last minute trip to the museum after horse riding lessons were canceled (too muddy). Between the car and the front doors of the museum, we walked through the park with two water fountains, and lots of pigeons. By the time we got to the museum, James had been in the fountain – his shorts were soaked. There was a school group watching James cracking up. Little Autumn found a feather, and was chasing all the pigeons trying to give them their feather back. They didn’t seem to want it back though. At first Heather was against chasing the pigeons and tried to get James and Autumn to stop – but then she gave in and chased them around too.

They had a little Chem demonstration, Autumn was chosen to come to the front for the polymer demonstration. It was a little risky, she almost spilled the beaker, quite a feat for a 3yo to hold with one hand and stir with the other. She made a rubber ball out of elmer’s glue and Borax. We picked Doug up from work on the way home – he spent the day bowling with the guys in the lab. It was fun!

We saw an underwater 3D IMAX on whales. Luckily there was another school group in there with us, so Heather/James/Autumn did not seem quite so loud. I had to catch Autumn from falling over the seats – everyone was reaching up into the air trying to touch the 3D whales.