James was a ninja, Heather a witch, and Autumn a pink moon princess. Autumn was really enthusiastic with yelling "TRICK - OR - TREAT" at the houses this year. We went to three really scary houses, and all the kids were brave.
Halloween Dinner - a pumpkin!
It's a squash - we cut it in half, stuffed it with meat/rice/cheese/sauce, and baked it in the oven.
Autumn's Modern Art!
This one was made by putting it in a box, and then shaking/rolling balls around in the box through two big puddles of paint.
This one used cotton on top of paint - you peel the cotton off after the paint is dry, and it leaves some cool cotton texture in it.
FHE Pumpkin Carving!
It's a week before Halloween, so it will be all moldy and yucky and extra scary for Halloween next week.
Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Let is Rain!
We got a little rainstorm on Thursday, it's still pretty dry, this was a wonderful sight to see.
BBE Fall Fest
It was really cold out, but the kids had fun anyways.
James - such a little gentleman to let his little sister win!
Displaced Critters
Poor Princess got bit on the nose by something (see the side of her mouth is all swollen up). They cut down a bunch of dead trees in the greeneblt (we're losing about 20% of our trees because of the drought) all the little critters from the dead trees that got cut down are coming over into the yard...
Piles of cut up trees behind the house :(
autumn has been helping me in the kitchen - so has James!