This year for the science fair I am doing an experiment about reading visualization. I’m curious to see how differently different people visualize the same words.
I’m collecting data with the attached worksheets. I’ve included a few extra copies and am hoping that you can pass them out to some people you know, I want to get lots of data!
Don’t peek at what other people draw until after you fill your sheet out! (front and back). Thank you so much for helping me with my science experiment!
HeatherWhat is it?
What we read/hear vs. what we visualize.
Communication with words.
What you see, and what I see
In class we did a visualization exercise with James and the Giant Peach where each of us drew a picture after reading part of the book. I wondered how different people drew different things, even though everyone heard the same words. I want to do an experiment to see what is different and what is the same when people try to visualize words. We use words to communicate. This experiment will help me understand how effective communication is with words.
When we read, do we all visualize it in the same way?
I think some will be almost the same, but that most will be totally different.
Read the following description to a bunch of people. Ask them to draw a picture of what the words mean to them, and to explain why they drew what they drew. Collect and compare the pictures. Take data on what is the same in all the pictures, and what is different.
Visualization Description:
It is strong, kind, and sings. It is full of energy and likes to jump around and play games. It has a huge appetite, and is not a picky eater. It would rather make artwork than solve math problems. It is loud, happy, smart, and fun.
Draw a picture of what you see in your mind.
Write one sentence explaining why you drew what you drew.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`2011-2012 Science Fair Experiment___ ____Date: ____________
Visualization Description : It is strong, kind, and sings. It is full of energy and likes to jump around and play games. It has a huge appetite, and is not a picky eater. It would rather make artwork than solve math problems. It is loud, happy, smart, and fun.
Draw a picture of what you see in your mind after reading the above description.
1. How old are you? _________
3. Are you a boy or girl? _________
4. What is your job? _________
5. Where were you born? ____________
Part 2:
Word association: write down the first word that pops into your mind:
1. Scary _____________
2. Fun ________________
3. Small ________________
4. Hard ________________
5. Big _________________
6. Gooie _______________
7. Honorable ______________
8. Fast _______________
9. Tall __________________
10. Smart _________________
11. Kind __________________
12. Strong _______________
13. Best ________________
14. Dead _____________
15. Slow _____________
16. Glowing _____________
17. Inspirational _______________
18. Exciting _________________
19. Boring ____________________
20. Strange _________________
21. Sharp _________________
22. Easy ____________________
James and Heather won 1st (Heather) and 2nd (James) prizes in the reflections contest this year for the drawings, Very exciting!!!
now we're ready for a week long vacation!!!