Wed Dec 10th
Snow! In Kingwood! Who would have thought? It started around 3:30, right after we dropped Heather off at girl scouts. It turned from rain, to little hails, to snow! We were driving around up to New Caney for a Kingwoodyardsale thing, it was really neat to see it! We stopped at Holleywood video to get Heather’s teacher a gift card, and everyone who worked there was outside just watching it fall. James said the snow was “embarrassing”. He gets these new big words, and then just has to use them somewhere. It did not start sticking until later, after it was dark. We let the kids stay up late to see it. the new neighbors were out in it too. Just last Saturday their daughter was out working in the yard, she told me she had never seen snow, they wanted to go to Colorado for Christmas too, but are unable too. I’m glad it snowed for her.
This morning Jessica watched the kids so I could go to school with Heather to make Ginger bread houses. I got stuff so that James and Autumn can make their tomorrow with their joy school group. It was a fun project. Little Autumn really really wanted to eat Heather’s house. She cried and cried to see it, then cried some more doing sign-language putting her hand in her mouth showing she wanted to eat it. Poor Autumn. We will see how it goes tomorrow!