Monday Sept 24th 2007
Heather had drawing time today in school – we do not get to see what she drew though, because another little boy asked to take Heather’s drawing home – he promised to give it back on Friday though. This was Gavin. Heather’s friends are Zoe, Emily, Annah, Kate, and Gavin. While Heather was at school, I was working upstairs, and James opened all of Autumn’s birthday presents – I came downstairs, Autumn and James were both playing with the toys amid wrapping paper. James felt pretty bad when he realized that he had just ruined the surprise in opening the gifts… I wrapped them all back up, and he promised he would not do it again. Doug home a little late due to the training. On the way to work, two cars crashed right in front of him. One car driving on the shoulder hit another car edging through a traffic jam, both trying to get to the same exit. Got the kids to bed, looked at some news on the internet with Doug, saw a bit of the Columbia university speech – by their dean, and Iran’s president. They said they would have allowed Hitler to talk to uphold freedom of speech. Personally, I think they should have arrested the guy on the spot. Incredible to see people’s reaction – polite, clapping, the only boos were from the dictator’s policy of killing gays and lesbians. How anyone could just sit there while a mass murderer spouted off his propaganda is beyond me. Peace – love everyone; accept everyone for who they are...
Tuesday – pick up freezer, park play group
Rode bike to school this morning, dropped Heather off, then rode all the way up to Elm grove park. Janessa was there with Mary and Johnathan, and Holly came with Kalie, Ryan, and Tyler. Sad thing, Holly found a house in the woodlands, they will moving in about a week. I made them promise that we still need to get together every once in a while to go pick blueberries, or go to the zoo. It is really sad to see them go. Elizabeth called today, their babysitter was sick, and Elizabeth was stuck at work, so Daxton was able to come home with us and hang out for a bit. I warned Elizabeth that we did not have the van, and might be walking home in the rain – but the kids like the rain anyways.
1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Wednesday –
Kalie and Ryan over for a bit, just a quiet day doing laundry. Heena’s piano lesson – Heena is feeling a bit overwhelmed with school, was not up to practicing. Was able to get Ammi to do a little bit though. It is hard to talk someone into sitting down and working on something. Went grocery shopping.
Lots of boxes in the mail from Granny and grampy, mom and dad. I asked Grampy if I could borrow a carving knife from him – Karren J. carves, and I thought it would be fun too. Grampy sent a whole box of stuff, knives, files, and carvings he had not quite finished. I have so many memories being with Grampy in the shop, smelling the wood, watching him work. Going through his unfinished works brought back a lot of memories… thanks grampy!
Thursday –
Picture day at school – accidentally sprayed Heather in the eyes with hairspray trying to get ready. Ended up giving up on the curling iron. I guess it is better to just get a real life picture than a doctored up one. We will see how they come out! Talked with Kate’s mom Barbara, might start getting together with them as Heather and Kate are becoming good friends. Little flouray with Jake in the bike lot after school. Jake birthday was today – he is now 6 years old. He is another one of Heather’s friends. Karren’s at 7:40, pick up mom from the airport
Friday Sept 28th–
Happy Birthday Autumn! Can’t believe you are already one. You have grown up fast – you can walk, can say moma, dada, that, fish, sis – you have 7 teeth. Today we went swimming with Nammy, for our daily walks to school, made ladybug cup cakes, ate pizza, and went to see the Tai drummers at Miller Theatre. You liked the drummers, although they taught you to hit things… Heather and James fell asleep – you were the last one standing!
Saturday Sept 29th
Pic-nic at the Mercer park. Jannessa came with Mary and Jonathan, and Holly came with Kalee, Ryan, and Tyler. You got a little stroller from Kaylee and a bunny from Granny – you loaded the bunny up in the stroller, and pushed it all around the park. Ryan also gave you some cars, as you like those too – but the boys took those to go play with. We brought 18 cup cakes – at the end there was only 1 left which means some of the kids ate quite a few of them There was a great big yellow spider – the same as the ones in the greenbelt that we got a picture of.
Monday Oct 1st
Went grocery shopping – saved $79 with coupons! I really need to start getting the paper, but I don’t want to make anyone work on Sunday to deliver it – so I guess I will just try and start picking them up at the grocery store.
Tuesday Oct 2nd
Park play day at Elm grove – quite a lot of people showed up today, including some from another ward. The weather is finally starting to cool off. Mornings are foggy and it makes the walks to school so nice. We can even turn the air conditioner off at night! Made doctors appointment for James and Autumn – I am afraid to find out that James – am hoping that he is not still anemic, and if he is, hoping that it will not end in finding he has celiac disease.
Wednesday Oct 3rd
Meeting at the park for the HotcookinMommas group. We divied out disposable containers, and set-up the date for the first frozen meal exchange. There will be 7 of us. Heena’s piano lesson went a little better today. I brought them a geode – told them story about Linda and Randy’s honeymoon – Linda told me how Randy pulled off the side of the road, jumped around taking pictures and pointing at something – as much as she looked, she could not see what he was pointing at or getting excited about. He is a geologist, and was excited about a pile of rocks on the side of the road… Also talked about how water is not very quenching until after you taste it after running a marathon. That all things in life can be appreciated on different levels… that it is just an old pile of rocks, or it is just a glass of water, or it is just boring classical music – until you learn more about it, then it becomes something beautiful. Heena and Ammi liked their geode.
Thursday Oct 4th
Babysat Kaylee and Ryan today while Holly and Alan closed on their first house. It will be sad to see them go.
Friday Oct 5th
Doctors appointment for Autumn and James.
Saturday /Sunday Oct 6th
General conference.
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