Autumn's Birthday fell on a Wednesday this year - I fixed her pancakes and eggs breakfast, we had a preschool field trip to the fire house, where the firemen gave her the bunny she is holding when they learned it was her birthday. We went to Coney Island for lunch - she and her friend Jenn wanted ice-cream, but I told them we were just getting lunch - but surprise, their little happy meals came with ice-cream, so they had it after all. For dinner she wanted burritos, corn on the cob, and yogurt - so that's what we had! (Frozen yogurt from Tutti fruti's)
At dinner asked "When am I going to be four again?" and we had to break the news to her that she could never go back and be four again, but it was good to be five too.

Nammy's Visit!Nammy came for the party - the weekend before Autumn's birthday. After picking Nammy up, we went straight to the zoo - it's finally cooling down a little so we can enjoy being outside again.

autumn always likes riding on the zebra on marry-go-rounds.

Eating snow-cones at the zoo - red and green tongues!

it's a Texas zoo - so there are long-horns.

Feeding the giraffes!

Princesses and Pirates Party!Autumn's B-Day cake - lots of frosting on this one!

Heather's friends helped with face painting, we decorated little treasure boxes, then went on a treasure hunt that Doug set up for the kids.

Treasure hunt!

Pinata time!


Glitter on the floor after the party (the pictures does not quite do it justice - we have a sparkley house now!) This party was the day before our big primary program at the church - several of the kids were up on stage with glittery hair the next day!

reading stories at night.

Singing Happy Birthday, and Autumn opening her quilt from Granny McDonald
- there's a lot of love in this quilt!

All tucked in under her new quilt - goodnight little Autumn!